Aura Casting is absolutely buzzing with excitement to tell you all about the incredible milestone we just hit for the TV pilot that we've been pouring our hearts into - Generations.

After months of hard work, dedication, and an extensive casting process, the cast met on Zoom for the first table read yesterday. It's been quite the journey since we started casting last September, sifting through self tapes, callbacks, and chemistry reads to find the perfect ensemble for our project.

We have to give a huge shoutout to the amazing writer and director Jaylani Cortes, whose vision and guidance have been instrumental in bringing this work of art together. The passion and creativity that Jaylani demonstrates truly been awe-inspiring, and we can't wait to see how this translates to the screen when filming begins later this year.

One of the most challenging and fascinating aspects of this project was casting characters from both modern day and 1943, and finding actors who resemble each other to play a family. It's been a thrilling and eye-opening process, and we’ve seen immense talent and dedication from the actors who auditioned for the roles.

And the cherry on top? Our final cast hails from all corners of the U.S., with actors representing LA, New York, and the Bay Area. It's a true testament to the widespread appeal and impact of the project, and we couldn't be prouder of the diverse and immensely talented group that we may not have known about if not for remote casting.

A huge thank you to everyone who contributed their time, energy, and creativity to the project so far. You are all absolute rockstars, and we can't wait to see the next step in the process.

Here's to the start of an amazing adventure with Generations. Let's do this!

To stay in the loop and witness the magic as it unfolds, be sure to follow Generations on Instagram. Trust us, you won't want to miss out on this journey.


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